
Thursday, 23 February 2012

Entyce Design Competition 2012

I knew from the beginning that I had wanted to try out doing the Entyce Design Competition ever since I won the website part of it last year. Seeing as I like working in branding, identity etc it was the logo and website that I decided to focus on. After the initial presentation given by Libby Entwisle and Jane Entwistle I thought I would wait it out a bit and so a few months on I have a finished logo. I haven't asked for feedback on it from anyone before sending it off to be marked and after seeing a couple of other examples of work I didn't even want to submit but the logo more than anything is something I am happy with if the website is a bit lacking, it does the job. And is a LOT more visually appealing than the current one!

The Starlight Walk is a yearly event that is run under The Hospice of the Good Shepherd based in Chester. There are walks like this right across the country so it is a worthwhile thing for people to take part in for their local charities.
Link -  Hospice of the Good Shepherd
Link -  Starlight Walk

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