
Monday, 13 February 2012

Finished Exhibition!

Well further on from my last blog post, the deadline for the Identity Design work was on Friday, so that means 2 things; another module gone woohoo and also a lot of good/bad work being displayed around the uni.

Here are some of the pictures I have taken of the different ideas/exhibitions. It is good to see so many different ideas for what was the same set brief. Just goes to show how the minds of the designers in Kingsway are all different.

So here is the small booklet I made for my UCAS stand and below is my finished stand finally with the iMac set up!

 Nichola Watkiss

 Lorna Dee Evans

James Matthews

Top Left: Simon Farmer Top Right: Emma Wilson Btm Left: Alice Vaughan Btm Right: Tom Morris

Top: Stephen Underwood Bottom: Bev Williams

Top: Natalie Meer Btm Left: Alex Nelson Btm Right: Andy Craige

Top Left: George Pryor Top Right: Matthew Clarke Bottom: James Bing

Top Left: Adam Tomlin Top Right: Hayley Miles Btm Left: Sophie Gallagher Btm Right: Laura Edwards

Well I am in two minds over the end of this module. I am happy in a way as my final year of uni is coming to a close and I don't think I am doing that terrible (I hope haha) but I didn't want this to finish because now I have the mammoth 40 credit module to crack on with as well as the dissertation (extended essay) and I really don't know where to begin. Oh well, things always turn out good in the end!